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Writing heals me…

I’ve had these emotions bottled up inside of me for a while. Last night I decided to write how I have been feeling. My goal is to start back writing so that I can release and move forward.

Do you know what it’s like to remember someone that you can’t forget?! That you’ve loved half of your life on earth?! It hurts. There are so many memories that play in my mind. That randomly play in my mind like a projector on a screen and it causes my heart to ache and the tears in my eyes to well up and fall. I want to forget. I want to move forward. But the wish and the want of what’s meant to be has been burned in the depths of my heart. The hope that just maybe, YHWH will work on him and get him together so that we can be together.

The promise: Philemon 1:11-19

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