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Today in church, which was my first time back in a hot minute… we’ll go over that latEr, Dr. Ava spoke on Redemption. Redemption is the act of redeeming or atoning for a fault or mistake. She continued on with something her husband and our Pastor, Dr. Adam Richardson said while they were talking one day. He said that a lot of people are not saved. They’re not saved because they can do a lot of things they know are wrong and not feel any way about it. Dr. Ava followed up by giving an example of when she went to the store and accidentally walked out of the store with a scarf and when she realized it she fussed at herself for being careless and then took it back in. I could relate to that because this has actually happened to me a couple of times and that conviction of knowing you did something wrong, even if it were by accident, will get you together until you make it right!

Now, when we recognize our wrong it’s nothing that you should beat yourself up about. You should feel conviction! I remember a mentor told me that if you don’t feel convicted about the things you used to feel were ok to do then that means you have not changed.

I had an incident that happened the other day at Walmart where I was at the money center purchasing a money order… pause… I only go to the neighborhood Walmart. I HATE the Supercenter It takes too long, too many people and my nerves get bad quick. Lol. I don’t know why I told y’all that. But I had to because the neighborhood Walmarts are heaven! Praise God. 🤣🤣🤣 anyways, I was using two forms of payment but forgot what I had on the other card. I have two phones and the one that I would be able to check the balance was dying and sitting in my car. So I tried to “guesstimate” what was on there. 🤦🏾‍♀️.

So, one money order, two payments!!! Ok…. So mid transaction I had to cancel. Because my “guesstimate” was off… later I realized it was just by like $3…. but things started to get confusing at that point. Now I’ve known before when you cancel a transaction and NOT do an actual purchase the money goes straight back to your card. I explained that to the lady and she said that wasn’t the case and refunded the money to me in cash. I was so skeptical but I’m like, ehhh, ok. Cause I mean… she works there so she would know more than me. So I went ahead and purchased the money order for the amount I knew that I had on my first card.. When I got to my car I was able to check the other account but by this point I wasn’t going back in the store. If you’re anything like me, then you set your ability to deal with the world on a mental and emotional timer. My time was expiring and I wanted to get home. I just decided that the next day I’ll get there bright and early to get it taken care of.

The next morning I went back to the store to get another money order and the lady at the register, who was there the previous day but was not the one to help me, recognized my face and told me that the lady that did help me drawer came up short… I never checked the account I did use. That was my intention but I totally forgot. So I checked it right there and the money was back in my account. Now, y’all remember I told that lady that money was back on my card 🙄. Lol…. but she ain’t listen to me. I went to the ATM and withdrew the money and paid the people so that the lady that helped me wouldn’t get into trouble. I would not be able to have that on my conscience.

She ended up walking in as I was leaving and then told her what I did. She hugged me and thanked me for being so honest and kind. Cause baby, that woulda been enough money for me to dip and do whatever I wanted to do. 😜😜. No but forrreal, I could not even imagine myself doing anyone wrong because I don’t want anyone doing me dirty. Plus when we do dirt it blocks our blessings. I’m not even worried about material blessings. I’m talking about life and my peace! Walking around daily knowing that I’m protected by God and He’s sending angels to watch over me! Those are the blessings that matter to me.

I remember a while back I paid for some gas and before I could pump it someone stole the gas I paid for. Things like that do not bring you any good at all! Those actions have repercussions. You reap what you sow! Those seeds may not hinder you but it could hinder your children, or family for generations to come! You just wanna do right by people, PERIODT!!!

Now, I really do hate talking about the deeds that I do outside of social media because, being honest, actions like this shouldn’t be celebrated. You celebrate what’s rare…. being kind and honest should not be a rare act!

What happened was definitely not intentional, and when the lady asked me about it I could have lied and acted like I didn’t know what she was talking about. But that was my time for atonement… For redemption. Playing ignorant to something doesn’t make it ok! Especially once you realize the error.

Is there anything you need redemption of today?! If there is, repent and ask God to forgive you and don’t do it again! If it does happen again… make it right! We all fall short of the glory of God… but just because humans don’t know the full extent of what you’ve done… The Most High knows, and knew you were going to do it before you did it. Ain’t that crazy?! lol. You can’t hide ANYTHING from Him! Whew!!!

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